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Entries in The Thing (1)


The Thing – One More for the Road

By Bennett Owen

Credit: A.C. Huestis

You’ll start seeing the billboards as soon as you cross from California into Arizona, or heading west from the New Mexico border.

Credit: ShadyL

And you’ll keep seeing them, the deeper you drive into the desert – ‘Mystery of the Desert’ – ‘The Thing’ - 247 road signs in all, captivating the kids’ imaginations and enticing the weary traveler to go even further out of their way to stop at a curio shop that’s as close to the middle of nowhere as it’s humanly possible to get.

Credit: Snap Man

And people stop here in droves, putting down good money for the sucker punch of the century…the desperate need to find out what “The Thing” really is.

Credit: Bill on Capitol Hill

No, we’re NOT going to tell you, although most visitors say it’s worth every cent of the 1 Dollar entry fee. Talk about damning with faint praise!

Credit: Eccentric Roadside

Although if you really want to spoil the surprise, my favorite website, Roadside America, does a hilarious inventory.

The owner…Bob Hope…says the original shop started up in 1950 and has been in the same ‘central’ location since 1965. That’s some true staying power.

Credit: LatFJCCT

And, over the years ‘The Thing’ has gained enough of a reputation that it’s marketing its anachronistic quirkiness.  Hence the Thing caps, shot glasses, t-shirts, beer mugs, and bumper stickers .. there’s even thing-branded bottled water.

Credit: Eccentric Roadside

Credit: Roadside America

In all, it’s an utterly ridiculous collection of crap that’s is far too good, far too entertaining to pass by.

PS: The My-West staff would like to give a hail and hearty hat tip to the intrepid RJ Burns for tipping us off to The Thing!